[~/]kenrou% its WARNING: You must be in group network in order to run a networked ITS. WARNING: You may still run a non-networked ITS. KLH10 V2.0A release (MyITS) built Aug 8 2007 20:37:30 Copyright 2001 Kenneth L. Harrenstien -- All Rights Reserved. This program comes "AS IS" with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Compiled for FREEBSD on I386 with word model USEINT Emulated config: CPU: KS10 SYS: ITS Pager: ITS APRID: 759 Memory: 512 pages of 1024 words (SHARED) Time interval: INTRP Base: OSGET Quantums: OSVIRT Interval default: 60Hz Internal clock: OSINT Other: JPC DEBUG PCCACHE CTYINT IMPINT EVHINT Devices: RH11 RPXX(DP) TM03(DP) DZ11 CH11 LHDH(DPIMP) [MEM: Allocating 512 pages shared memory, clearing...done] KLH10> ; KLH10 emulator configuration for KN ITS system from FreeBSD ports collection.. KLH10> KLH10> ; Define basic KS10 device config - two RH11s each on its own Unibus KLH10> KLH10> devdef rh0 ub1 rh11 addr=776700 br=6 vec=254 KLH10> devdef rh1 ub3 rh11 addr=772440 br=6 vec=224 KLH10> KLH10> ; Provide one disk, one tape in config ITS expects KLH10> KLH10> devdef dsk0 rh0.0 rp type=rp06 format=dbd9 path=/home/kenrou/klh10-its-home/PI-ITS-RP06.0-dbd9 iodly=0 KLH10> devdef mta0 rh1.0 tm02 fmtr=tm03 type=tu45 KLH10> KLH10> ; ITS wants a 60Hz clock, allow it. Need this until defaults OK. KLH10> set clk_ithzfix=60 clk_ithzfix: 60. => 60. KLH10> KLH10> ; Define IMP for KN KLH10> devdef imp ub3 lhdh addr=767600 br=6 vec=250 ipaddr= gwaddr= KLH10> KLH10> ; Dummy definitions. Only one DZ is still (apparently) needed. KLH10> devdef dz0 ub3 dz11 addr=760010 br=5 vec=340 KLH10> ;devdef dz1 ub3 dz11 addr=760020 br=5 vec=350 KLH10> ;devdef chaos ub3 ch11 addr=764140 br=5 vec=270 KLH10> KLH10> ; Define new HOST device hackery KLH10> devdef idler ub3 host addr=777000 KLH10> KLH10> ; Preload ITS for convenience KLH10> load @.its-647kn-u Using word format "u36"... Loaded "@.its-647kn-u": Format: ITS-SBLK Data: 65468, Symwds: 0, Low: 01, High: 0777266, Startaddress: 0144430 KLH10> KLH10> ; Use "GO 774000" to start DDT, else just "GO" to start ITS KLH10> KLH10> [EOF on klh10-kn-freebsd.ini] KLH10> go Starting KN10 at loc 0144430... Salvager 260 .TEMP. has no files, User File Directory DELETED [dp_exec: Cannot access "dpimp" - Permission denied] [imp_start: Start of DP "dpimp" failed!] [dp_exec: Cannot access "dpimp" - Permission denied] [imp_start: Start of DP "dpimp" failed!] IMP CRASHED, STATUS=2200,,100305 07:49:12 IT IS NOW 7:49:12 AM EDT, THURSDAY, AUG 9,2007 KN ITS 1647 IN OPERATION AT 07:49:12 KN ITS 1647 SYSTEM JOB USING THIS CONSOLE. LOGIN TARAKA 0 07:49:12 KN ITS.1647. DDT.1545. TTY 0 You're all alone, Fair share = 1% :login kenrou KN: KENROU; KENROU MAIL - NON-EXISTENT DIRECTORY LOGIN KENROU 0 07:49:44 lisp^K! LISP 2149 Alloc? n * (defun copylist (lst) (if (atom lst) lst (cons (car lst) (copylist (cdr lst))))) COPYLIST (defun rectyp (typ tmp) (progn (setf tmp (car tmp)) (if (listp tmp) (progn (setf typ (cons (length tmp) typ)) (rectyp typ tmp)) typ))) RECTYP (defun tensortype (a) (let* ((ttmp a) (ttyp (cons (length ttmp) nil))) (reverse (rectyp ttyp ttmp)))) TENSORTYPE (defun copylist (lst) (if (atom lst) lst (cons (car lst) (copylist (cdr lst))))) COPYLIST (defun rectyp (typ tmp) (progn (setf tmp (car tmp)) (if (listp tmp) (progn (setf typ (cons (length tmp) typ)) (rectyp typ tmp)) typ))) RECTYP (defun tensortype (a) (let* ((ttmp a) (ttyp (cons (length ttmp) nil))) (reverse (rectyp ttyp ttmp)))) TENSORTYPE (defun copylist (lst) (if (atom lst) lst (cons (car lst) (copylist (cdr lst))))) COPYLIST (defun rectyp (typ tmp) (progn (setf tmp (car tmp)) (if (listp tmp) (progn (setf typ (cons (length tmp) typ)) (rectyp typ tmp)) typ))) RECTYP (defun tensortype (a) (let* ((ttmp a) (ttyp (cons (length ttmp) nil))) (reverse (rectyp ttyp ttmp)))) TENSORTYPE (setq a '((1 2) (3 4))) ((1 2) (3 4)) a ((1 2) (3 4)) (tensortype a) ;Loading LET 98 ;Loading DEFMAX 98 ;Loading SETF 293 ;Loading EXTSTR 96 ;Loading MLMAC 92 ;Loading MLSUB 17 (2 2) (defun tensorrank (f) (length (tensortype f))) ; UNBOUND VARIABLE TENSORRANK (tensorrank a) 2 (defun zerolist (m) (if (= m 0) nil (cons 0 (zerolist (1- m))))) ZEROLIST (defun rec (m rz) (if (= m 0) nil (cons rz (rec (1- m) rz)))) ; UNBOUND VARIABLE REC (defun zerotensor (ttype) (let* ((n (length ttype)) (rtyp (reverse ttype)) (rlst (car rtyp)) (zerot nil)) (do ((i 1 (1+ i)) (gstop n)) ((> i gstop)) (if (= i 1) (progn (setf zerot (zerolist rlst)) (setf rtyp (cdr rtyp))) (progn (setf rlst (car rtyp)) (setf zerot (rec rlst zerot)) (setf rtyp (cdr rtyp))))) zerot)) ZEROTENSOR (zerotensor '(2 2)) ((0 0) (0 0)) PFTHMG DRAGON CHANNA _DRGN_ TIMES WRITE 08:16:21 PFTHMG DRAGON CHANNA LOGOUT TIMES DELRNM 08:16:21 (defun sp (x) (* k x)) SP (defun mt (x) (mtimes k x)) MT (defun mtimes (k b) (if (not (listp (car b))) (mapcar #'sp b) (mapcar #'mt b))) ;Loading SHARPM 82 MTIMES (sproduct 3 a) ;LISTP UNDEFINED FUNCTION OBJECT (quit) :KILL *:lock LOCK.154 _5down DO YOU REALLY WANT THE SYSTEM TO GO DOWN? y REPLACE SYS;DOWN MAIL? y KENROU LOCK SYS DOWN MAIL WRITE 08:24:29 PLEASE ENTER A BRIEF MESSAGE TO USERS, ENDED BY ^C ^C KN ITS going down in 5:00 CULPRIT = KENROU LOCK 08:24:32 _[HALTED: FE interrupt] KLH10> quit Are you sure you want to quit? [Confirm]y Shutting down...Bye! [~/]kenrou%