Happy New Year!

Congratulatory works from my friends are on display HERE!! :-)
Everyone, have a look!!
Last Update January 1, 2007@Refer to the change history also.
Title Graphic Changed.
A New Art Work was on Display.


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This is GEN-EI's Website;

Puya-Puya Terrace!!

A lot of C.G. (Computer Graphics) Art Works of CUTE GIRLS are on display here!! HAVE FUN!! If this is the first-time for you, refer to this page. Some pieces of introduction of this page are available there.

My Profile
Change History
Graphic Gallery
X-Rated Gallery
Hot Links (JPN)

To contact me, please e-mail;

Feel free to make a link to "Puya-Puya Terrace", but I appreciate if you can let me know afterward by E-Mail. The copyright of all materials contained in this website is reserved by Gen-Ei. If you wish to use them, let me know beforehand. Detailed information is available here. You can use this banner freely.


Set the location http://www.yo.rim.or.jp/~gen-ei/BANNER.JPG in IMG tag directly at your site. This banner has the date of last update and you can verify it in your link page.