X-Rated Gallery

This page had been a "Secret Page" before...but I'm gonna open it, because it gets more than 25,000 access counts and is not "secret" at all... X(.

Night like Nightmare

Akari & Tamaki

Akari & Tamaki from "Despite I love you, but because I love you (by Bou Ditama)".
One more Push!

Lesbian Girls!! The original drawing is presented by DUKE!.
Five Point Attack!!

Mmm, I've got nothin' to say...How nasty she is!
Ripped Innocence

Our Secret Time...

Their secret fun... :D~~~~~~~
I'm Female, Okay!?

I painted this because someone said "Is this witch really a female?".
A Pup in Walking

This is a magical art!! Well, for usual people, this art seems to be a picture of a pup in walking. But for lewd guys it looks something different!! What do it look like for me? Of cource, a pup in walking :-P!!
A Baby Doll

This is a magical art Vol.2!! For usual people, this art seems to be a picture of a baby doll drinking milk. But for lewd guys it looks something different!! What do it look like for me? No Idea :-P!!
Hot Drips...

In winter, hot soup is the most delicious food, isn't it? Will you like her soup?
All Night Long in a Shower

By which situation are you aroused more?
(1) She was raped
(2) She was doing something nasty with his boyfriend
Season of Mushrooms

It's autumn, the season of harvest!
A Story of a Bad hare

Long time ago, a little hare was living in a forest with her mother. Mother always says, "Don't go into the depths. A lot of fearful wolves are waiting for their games!" The little hare disobeyed her mother....

WOW!! Almost one year I haven't painted this kind of painting except for some ones for commercial purpose X(!!
A Tragedy in Spring

A sudden tragedy attacked a girl on her way to home from her school...AMEN.
A Pet in a Dark Basement

She's a pet being kept in a dark basement...she's just a toy for her masters.
White Shower

Maybe she likes mushrooms very much, because she's eating 7 ones at once:).

She is in a trance from ecstasy.
No...don't gaze into...

A girl being shamed mercilessly...but she's getting wet more and more...

Back to Home

Why don't you continue the planet voyage?